Location Services

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How do we build awareness & differentiate your location as a preferred production location? By putting boots on the ground in Hollywood and having a Hollywood Representative … That’s what makes the difference.
As your Hollywood Representative, Black Label Filmworks Location Services will bring market awareness to the decision makers … the people who count. We highlight the advantages and unique locations and benefits of shooting in your area. Then we introduce them to YOU! We approach Hollywood, the way Hollywood works – in-person. Call it, Awareness Marketing. We call it, doing business the Hollywood way. The proven way.
Our proposed partnership is intended to bring focused tracking and outreach to high potential projects that can fuel a growing pipeline of production. In this way, we find new projects, rather than waiting for them to find you. We track new production, knock on Studio, Producer and Location Mangers doors to make them aware. Once potential projects are identified, we introduce producers to you and the benefits of filming in your State that goes beyond dollars and cents incentives, which helps keep production coming long into the future.
Providing direct outreach to targeted Production decision-makers, backed up by the resources of your film commission, is the most productive and cost-effective form of Awareness Marketing possible. It is your winning strategy that differentiates you from all the rest.