Enchanting the sea
A young Norse girl with psychic abilities stows away on her father’s ship, saves him from a high-seas mutiny and guides a rescue mission that leads to the discovery of North America. (Set in the year 1000 C.E.)SERIES LOGLINE
Twelve-year-old Astra Leifsdottir, the youngest child of Leif Erikson, has an intuitive feeling that her brothers, lost at sea, are still alive in a yet-to-be-discovered land. Leif knows Astra is descended from a maternal line of Pagan seeresses, women who foretell the future and communicate with spirits. He trusts his daughter’s claim, assembles a crew and prepares for a rescue journey from Greenland across what is now known as the Labrador Sea.
An original feature screenplay of historical fiction, drama, adventure, and discovery.
Likely Rating:
Greenland, the high seas, and Norway, Vinland (North American)
This feel-good story, rooted in yesterday but relevant today, examines the value of respecting the individual uniqueness of every human being, learning to get along with others who are different and thriving in a world of merging cultures and beliefs.
Written BY:
“Pirates of the Caribbean,” “Vikings,” “The Golden Compass”
“She’s just a kid – the kid who discovered North America.”
Twelve-year-old Astra Leifsdottir, the youngest child of Leif Erikson, has an intuitive feeling that her brothers, lost at sea, are still alive in a yet-to-be-discovered land. Leif knows Astra is descended from a maternal line of Pagan seeresses, women who foretell the future and communicate with spirits. He trusts his daughter’s claim, assembles a crew and prepares for a rescue journey from Greenland across what is now known as the Labrador Sea.
Astra begs her father to let her go with him but he refuses. After dreaming that Leif is killed at sea in a mutiny, she stows away on the merchant vessel. When she’s discovered, her father and his men disapprove. But Astra earns their respect by working hard, healing two injured crewman and directing the ship away from a storm she senses long before its arrival.
Believing they are off course and set to die at sea, the crewmen plan a mutiny. Astra psychically “calls” for help and moments before the uprising is to begin, seagulls land on the ship, signaling land is near. Astra saves the day, preventing her precognitive dream from coming to fruition.
The land, however, turns out to be barren. The crew wants to turn back. But Leif listens to his daughter’s intuitive advice and pushes onward, unaware of the surprises that await…
Our Team
From start to finish, Black Label Films has built an outstanding and experienced team who are dedicated to represent the company’s vision for Enchanting The Sea.

Charin R. Barone is an entertainment industry veteran who has worked alongside such producers and studio executive luminaries of our time as, Norman Lear, Ted Turner, Amy Pascal, Dawn Steel, and others. She has worked in both film and TV at Disney, TNT (Warner Bros.), Columbia (Sony) and Embassy (Universal). In 2010, Ms. Barone launched Black Label Filmworks, LLC to fulfill her dream of bringing impactful film and television projects to life that excite and unite audiences, transcending barriers of all form.
Ms. Barone began her career at Norman Lear’s TAT/Embassy Communications during the heyday of production for this legendary TV producer and mini-studio. During her time there, Ms. Barone saw production of such hits as “All in the Family”, “The Jeffersons”, “One Day at a Time”, “The Facts of Life”, “Who’s the Boss?”, “Diff’rent Strokes”, “Silver Spoons”, “227” and more. Embassy TV Produced over 20 hit sitcom series over a 13-year period, with a record-setting 12-shows on-air at one time. In addition, Mr. Lear also operated Embassy Pictures, producing such notable films as “Fanny and Alexander”, “Eddie and the Cruisers”, “The Sure Thing”, “Emerald Forest” and “A Chorus Line”, along with a series of now classic genre films, such as “This is Spinal Tap”. Embassy Home Entertainment was the third element completing Embassy Communications, which led the way in launching the nascent home video industry.
Throughout her association with Mr. Lear and Embassy Communications, Ms. Barone held multiple roles, which including supporting studio Public Relations and Publicity under the venerable Barbara Brogliatti. She then went on to manage the executive offices directly for Mr. Lear. After the sale of Embassy Communications in 1985 to Coca Cola, Ms. Barone worked in Comedy Development for the newly transitioned Columbia Pictures Television. In 1987, she rejoined Mr. Lear with his launch of Act III Communications, working directly with Mr. Lear and managing Operations for the new organization.
In 1990, Ms. Barone accepted a position in Disney Studios’ Operations Management. Shortly thereafter, Ms. Barone had the opportunity to join Dawn Steel, the former President of Columbia Pictures, as she established her new production company, Steel Pictures, in association with Disney. During her tenure at Steel Pictures, Ms. Barone oversaw Operations, coordinated with the studio, interfaced with talent and supported Ms. Steel with production of such films as, “Sister Act 2”, “Cool Runnings”, “Honey I Blew Up the Kid” and “What’s Love Got to Do with It”.
Ms. Barone moved to Columbia pictures in 1994, to work with Amy Pascal in the studio’s Executive Offices during the production of, “Little Women”. She joined Ms. Pascal in a move to Turner Pictures/TNT (Turner Network Television), where she supported Ted Turner and Ms. Pascal through the production of, “Last Stand at Saber River”, “Rough Riders”, and “Andersonville”.
In 2000, Ms. Barone began pursuit of a teaching and ministry practice that saw her and her husband (TV Writer) return to their ranching home in South Dakota. Throughout this period, Ms. Barone also remained a sought after motivational speaker and coach with a focus on family and personal enrichment.
2010 marked the launch of Black Label Filmworks, with the beginning of a series of long-form Western TV projects. And in 2012, Ms. Barone led organizing of an event that reunited over 400 of the original Embassy Communications industry alumni, honoring Norman Lear for his legacy of accomplishment and impact on the lives of so many throughout the entertainment industry.
Ms. Barone looks forward to shepherding Black Label Filmworks’ slate of fine film and TV projects through production in achievement of her continuing goal to bring change to the world through positive, impactful entertainment that inspires and delights.


Zack Van Eyck is a film and television writer, director and producer. His features include the indie darling “Jupiter Landing” (2005), the award-winning auto racing film “Daytona Dream” (2010) and the romantic comedy “Three of One Kind” (2013). Two of his original feature screenplays have been optioned in 2020, giving him a total of seven film and TV projects now in development. He is available as a screenwriter for hire and works comfortably in all genres.
Four of Zack’s original television productions are available on Amazon Prime, including the Southern-influenced comedy satire “Sweet Caroline” and the sports-broadcast spoof “Coitus of the Week.” Those two projects were officially selected by 19 U.S. and Canadian film festivals, garnering 14 awards and nominations, including Best Director and Best Writer awards for Zack and a Best Actress award for Carolyn Meyer (“Sweet Caroline”).
Zack’s first novel was published when he was 12 and he began his professional journalism career at 14 as a sportswriter for The Anchorage Times. He won the Alaska Press Club’s Best Columnist award at age 17 and the Grantland Rice scholarship to attend Vanderbilt University. He won several national awards for investigative reporting and is known for breaking the “Skinwalker Ranch” story in 1996 while working for the Deseret News in Salt Lake City.